Christ Chapel
a visible expression of the body of Christ
Christ Chapel currently has five elders, one of whom chooses not to be listed below. New elders are nominated periodically by church members and serve according to the consensus of the elder board and the congregation.
Rich Melton & wife, Ruth
Rich is a member of the full-time pastoral staff and is a regular Sunday morning speaker. His university training is as an educator (with a special love for history), and he is also a gifted administrator. Rich comes from a Presbyterian background, while his wife Ruth is from a Pentecostal background. They have been members of Christ Chapel since moving to Knoxville from St. Louis, Mo. in 1981. They home-schooled their five children and remain active in the home-school community. Over the years, the Melton's have enjoyed many activities including Hebrew dance, swim team and competitive soccer where Rich continues to serve as a referee.

Scott Robinson & wife, Darrie

Scott and his wife Darrie began attending Christ Chapel in 1971. Scott is a dedicated member of the Missions Team as well as a tireless fixer of the Christ Chapel building. Scott graduated from UTK in Animal Sciences, and is now a plumbing contractor, owning his own company. He and Darrie have two children, Deborah and Scott, and two much beloved grandchildren. Originally from Memphis, Scott was raised Episcopalian; Darrie is from a Baptist background. Scott and Darrie enjoy working on their small farm in Corryton, Tenn. where they have horses, and sometimes raise a few cows.
Roger Stoller & wife, Robin
Roger and his wife Robin started attending Christ Chapel in 1985, soon after moving to Knoxville from Santa Barbara, Calif. Roger's parents were members of the Apostolic Christian Church and he became a believer in 1971 while in the Marine Corps in 29 Palms, California. He met Robin at a small interdenominational church there. The Stollers have a special interest in Home Fellowships and have found them to be a vital part of their own spiritual growth. Roger retired from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2016, where he had been a distinguished research staff member in the Materials Science and Technology Division. Since retiring, both Roger and Robin obtained further training and education and now work as volunteers with the Seed Company (an affiliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators) in support of efforts to provide the Bible in minority languages around the world. Roger serves as a translation consultant. And he still finds time to enjoy riding his motorcycle! ( and .

Chuck Weber & wife, Renee

Chuck has lived in the Knoxville area most of his life, having moved here from Ohio at age 14. While attending college at UTK, he became a committed Christian, and began attending Christ Chapel in 1972. He has worked as a part-time youth director and has led Bible studies and Sunday classes for children, youth and adults. Both he and his wife, Renee, are pastor's kids; Chuck was raised in the Disciples of Christ church, and Renee was raised in the Methodist church. They have home-schooled their six wonderful children, five girls and one boy. Chuck is a researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and enjoys cycling, swimming and running.
Paul Brown & wife, Jessica
Paul and Jessica began attending Christ Chapel around 2011, were married there in 2013, and joined the rotation of music leaders in 2020. Jessica grew up as part of a non-denominational house church, while Paul had attended primarily Baptist gatherings. Although he was seven when he professed faith in Christ, Paul admits that for much of his life prior to meeting Jessica, he was a Christian in name only. Through Jessica and others, God delivered Paul from hidden sin, and now Paul wants to help others find freedom as well. The Browns live in East Knoxville with their two sons and work as freelance writers.