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Meeting Times

Sunday School meets from 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. each Sunday from the Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before the Memorial Day weekend.


During the summer months, we host a Fellowship 1/2 Hour from 9:50 - 10:20 a.m. each Sunday from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend in September.

Our year-round Main Service runs from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon.  A description of our format is found below.

About the "Body"


We believe that a church is not a building or a set of programs, but a church is like a physical body. It has many different, but essential, parts which together make up a whole organism. You are welcome to visit and perhaps become a part of the church "body" at Christ Chapel. In all that we believe and do, we want to be "the visible expression of the body of Christ" here in Knoxville, a living organism giving honor to God.

​To inquire about any of our services

Sunday Morning


The Format - Our main service begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends around 12 noon. Since we're not tied down to any one formal structure, the flow of the service varies from week to week but regularly includes: 20 to 30 minutes of congregational singing led by a small group of singers and musicians, sharing of announcements about our family life, a teaching from the scriptures by one of our elders and a time of sharing prayer requests and praying for each other. Often, as a summer series we have members of the congregation share a message or teaching as well. Our services also include the sharing of Communion for believers (the Lord's Supper) on a regular basis and other occasional events such as baptisms, baby dedications, and reports from our missionaries.


What to Wear - Church attire is as casual or as dressy as you'd like - you will see some wearing shirts & ties and some wearing shorts. We believe that God considers the heart, not the clothing, so please be comfortable in whatever you wear.  You may truly, "come as you are."


Parking - We have a small parking lot directly in front of the church which we reserve for visitors, people with disabilities and families with small children. There is also a lot behind the church as well as street parking in the surrounding blocks.  Please do not park in the UT lot across the street--you may be ticketed.


Check out the links at the bottom of the page for more information about our Sunday morning gatherings.

Christ Chapel - 1538 Highland Ave., Knoxville, TN 37916

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