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Sunday School & Adult Education



The nursery program is designed for children under the age of three as of September 30 of the current academic year. Its purpose is to support parents as they attend education classes and the worship gathering on Sunday morning. Volunteer nursery workers care for the infants and play with the toddlers, read books aloud, work puzzles, slide down slides and generally interact with rapidly developing children.

Children's Sunday School


​Children are grouped according to age level to learn about the Lord using the Bible Way curriculum. This curriculum was chosen because of its accurate presentation of the Scriptures and for the variety of reinforcement activities included. Teachers commit to teaching for the entire academic year, so the children have a high degree of continuity in the instruction from week to week.

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Youth Sunday School


The youth are divided into Middle School and High School classes. Teachers focus on using Biblical materials in a ways that appeal to youth and challenge them to consider their faith as individuals. This semester we will cover the book 

Adult Sunday School


During each academic term, adult Sunday School classes are offered at 9:30 a.m. Questions, comments and brisk discussion are most welcome during these informal classes. This is your chance to engage with other Christians on spiritual matters in an accepting and encouraging environment. Sunday School topics vary, and classes are open to adults of all ages and interests.



Fall 2024 – Spring 2025: Genesis

The word Genesis means “beginning,” and as the first book of the Bible, it provides a foundation for all others. Topics of creation, life, sin, faithfulness, obedience, and grace are all developed, as God seeks to reconcile all mankind to himself. His primary tool is pursued through covenants with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their progeny, who eventually become the nation of Israel. The book is primarily historical narrative, but there are myriad lessons of integrity, trust, and hope that are applicable to us today.


Feel free to visit occasionally or join us regularly for adult Sunday School.

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